
Scott / Utah, [12/2/2021 3:30 PM]
Utah People’s De-Jure Assembly
December 2nd, 2021

1-Volunteer prayer or read our Invocation prayer (Shared by Steven Wynn)

Invocation of the Light
“Mother/Father God the One Infinite Source Creator We ask for the presence of the light to surround and protect each person present And any negativity be taken to the highest realms of light and transmuted for the highest good of all concerned We see ourselves in the flow of energy radiating from the center of the universe, through all the galaxies, through the Milky Way, through the solar system, through the energy fields of Planet Earth, through our bodies and anchored into the center of the earth We ask for a group energy connection of all those present, while maintaining the sovereign integrity of our individual souls We invite those Sources who are positive, service to others, honoring the Law of One, to join with us and we create a protected space that only the positive has access to and anything not of that nature must leave Now. I Command These Communications be Cloaked from all but the highest planes of Light And so it is in the name of Creator”

By Steven Wynn
Our heavenly father; The creator of all things. We come in humble adoration to receive comprehension, of your knowledge, to gain the wisdom from it. To apply it into our daily lives and share with those who seek it. May our dealings with one another always be beyond reproach. May our actions always be in the way of honesty in and out of sight with decently and order. Help us join together in one accord to bring forth a strong republic of, by, and for the people. We ask that all these things come to pass bringing praise and glory to our father in heaven. (And so it is in the name of the Creator) or In his sons name Jesus Christ. Amen.

2. Mission Statement:
Our Mission of We the People and the purpose of this Assembly today is to establish our Utah People’s De-Jure Assembly joining in the cause with our Fellow Countrymen of a National Assembly in being recognized as the voice and example of We the People by the People for Utah. It is our duty with our God given Unalienable Rights and the Declaration of Independence (Natures Natural Law) of these amazing lands in America to assemble for redress of our concerns and establish a plan of action for Liberty and Innovation to our future. This People’s De-Jure Assembly strives in helping each of our 29 counties create their Committees of Safety of the People by the People thus ensuring Liberty, Prosperity, Innovation, equality to all Life, and the Pursuit of Happiness for We the People living in Utah.

3- Name of Moderator for the today is Scott unless we have a new volunteer today.

(Repeat three times) by our Sergeant at Arms
” This meeting is private. Bearing false witness, misrepresentation, and posting inflammatory rhetoric in public forms is forbidden and shall be addressed in an appropriate manner. To eliminate all conflict and false allegations, is there anyone in attendance at today’s meeting that is a member or agent of any law enforcement agency or public agency of the federal, state, county, city, or township agencies present??

5- Brief introduction of new Patriots and welcome
6-Old Business November 25th 2021
Shared by one of our awesome Secretaries

A1 meeting De-Jure Assembly called to order by Scott
A2- Invocation read by Rosie
A3- Bivens given by Scott as Sergeant At Arms is not present
A4 Volunteer for Moderator of the day was Scott
A5- Star gates have been taken back by the light energy forces of the Universe. More to share
A6) update as of November 18th the GIA has sent enforcement of termination against the all heads of major government and corporations which continue to follow the one world order of Deep-State agenda. Plus freezing all bank accounts until they comply to Natural Law and Liberty of Humanity.
A7) . Also it was shared of the efforts by Utah Liberty Coalition for flyers and Constitution packets in advertising the Committees of Safety being established.
A-8) we screen shared Live @5 Video from Nov 18th.
Amble /Affirmation by Rosie was at the beginning of our meeting.
A-10) Comments or concerns regarding Secretary’s Old. Business report

6- New Business December 2nd, 2021

A1 update regarding GIA / Global Guardian Trustee the past two weeks has been freezing many of the Deep-State accounts plus now many of the CEO Officers. Plus LF Enforcement has been taking out heads of Corporations, CIA, NSA, people for blocking the transfers of assurance money to the people. Also people who continue following and enforcing the Deep-State agenda against the People and Natural Law.
A2 There was a zoom meeting to be held Friday Nov.19th 6:30 pm with Rebecca who is assisting Kelly in PGDS. We did meet and went over details and preparation to become ratified.
A3 Volunteers for Officer positions plus vote and oath
A4 Global Health and Wellness Consortium update concerning emails which are necessary for enforcing our Liberties from Deep State which we must follow up with Jasen of Arizona Assembly and prepare to send in all emails of Utah Government and NGO Corporations following the Deep-State One Word Order plan.
A5 Apology by Scott for not posting our meeting video from last week to our De-Jure Utah Library in Telegram.

7. Any statements, comments, , concerns

8 any items we should discuss today or bring up next meeting???

9. Next week meeting 7pm Thursday

10. Amble – Affirmation
By Volunteer ??

I Affirm Love, Peace & Joy
for Self & My Fellow Man

I Salute from my Heart God
Love & Life in Self & Universe

I Stand United with We the People
A Nation of Sovereignty

All for One & One for All